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Pisces New Moon

Writer: Lori BarnesLori Barnes

Pisces New Moon Date and Time

Wednesday 2 March 2022 9:35am, West Coast, USA 12:35pm, East Coast, USA 6:35pm, Rome, Italy

About the Pisces New Moon

The new moon in Pisces this month is creative, dreamy, and indulgent. If you are a daydreamer like me, this is a welcome vibe. I love to daydream. To let my thoughts drift off to wherever my thoughts take me, and to sit and do nothing while mountain gazing.

This new moon is a perfect time to do a bit of nothingness. I realize that is hard for some. Especially for those with a super active mind. It’s hard to shut it down. So don’t! Let your mind drift away and envision your long-term goals or a dreamy escape to your happy place.

This new moon provides a short window when we can really indulge our creative side. If you have been hoping for a grand idea or vision to solve a problem, focus on that under this Pisces new moon. The sky is the limit when it comes to indulging in your daydreams and visioning.

That is why the theme of this Pisces new moon is ‘Envision your Big Dreams.’

Pisces New Moon and Jupiter

What gives this new moon a particular sparkle is the presence of Jupiter in the sign of Pisces. The same sign as the new moon. Pisces takes around a year to go through each sign, so it’s been twelve years since Jupiter has been in Pisces during a Pisces new moon.

This is something to celebrate indeed! Jupiter has a natural association with Pisces and loves to travel through it. Jupiter is the natural ruler of this sign signaling we can get the best out of this new moon.

Jupiter is about expansion, growth, opportunity, luck, wisdom, and pushing through boundaries. The new moon is about new beginnings, refreshing things, and renewals. The sign of Pisces is about adaptability, creativity, and merging with the collective.

These are ingredients for grand visioning and creative problem solving. The artistic part of you is singing for joy. Even if you think you aren’t artistic or creative, you are in some way. Jupiter is going to beam down an optimistic attitude and open your mind to fresh new ideas.

Sun high in the sky with white puffy clouds and open doors on either side.

The Venus, Mars, and Pluto Party

Who invited Pluto to the party. Some would say Pluto is more of a party crasher. This pile up of three planets in Capricorn is happening at the time of the Pisces new moon. Pisces and Capricorn work well together, so I don’t think they will be sending any sideways glances to this sweet new moon.

This party may kick up some activity drawing your attention to some part of your life but it does not preclude you from taking advantage of this visionary Pisces new moon. Please make sure you take some time to enjoy the new moon on Wednesday. It is really special. Even if you can only get a few minutes or an hour.

This Venus, Mars, and Pluto meetup could put you on a fast track to accomplishing something. Pluto does tend to bring powerful change. If that is what you want, you may embrace change if that is heading your way. If change is coming your way and you are resisting, you may be in for a struggle.

It’s important to note that not everyone will directly feel this Venus, Mars, and Pluto lineup, it depends on your chart.

Venus and Mars in the same place in the sky is supportive of you putting action behind what you want to achieve as it relates to the things you value and desire. This is a good thing.

Combine that with Pluto and you could actively bring about powerful change in your life, and feel empowered in the process. For those who resist, it can be like you are feeling powerless against change that seems thrust upon you.

If this is the case for you, tap into this lovely new moon in Pisces energy and see if any new and creative ideas flow in to help guide you out of the feeling of powerlessness.

Hopefully you are in the market for achieving something in your life and you can take advantage of this Venus and Mars meeting and blow some wind in your sails.

Pisces New Moon and Indulging

Too much of a good thing can interfere with said good thing. There is one caution to this Pisces new moon sweet vibe and that is the potential for overdoing it. Or overindulging in something.

It can vary widely depending on the person. From over activity and exercising, to overeating, to more dangerous indulgences in substances. The key to enjoying this Pisces new moon is to practice balance.

There is a serene feeling of creativity, optimism, and possibility this Pisces new moon. These are things to indulge in. It is a new moon where the muses are more easily heard, and your creativity level is heightened.

Indulge in big dreams using the law of attraction. That is to dream big, and be true to your heart so the universe can hear you. The first step of manifesting your dreams is to dream or envision what you want. The second part is to take action to make your vision come true.

The Venus and Mars connection is supporting the second part and the Pisces new moon is supporting the first part of the law of attraction.

We collectively have the opportunity to tap into this magical Pisces new moon, set our intentions, and actively take steps toward making those dreams come true. Plant the seeds of your intentions under this mystical and magical Pisces new moon.

Quote box blank slate

Pisces New Moon Inspirational Quotes

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”  -Helen Keller
You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things so that all the small things go in the right direction.”  -Alvin Toffler
Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision.”  -Stevie Wonder
Citrus fruit in the background fuzzy with an essential oil bottle in focus in front.

Natural Health and Astrology

Every month I co-host a show called Natural Health and Astrology with Health Coach and Naturopath Annabelle Fraser. We talk about the emotional quality of the New Moon and how to use essential oils to work with the lunar energy. 

This month’s Pisces New Moon topic is ‘Envision your Big Dreams’ Lori and Annabelle, Episode 27 Natural Health and Astrology

Annabelle’s essential oil choice for the Aquarius new moon is a blend called ‘Cheer’ from doTerra. This blend promotes feelings of optimism, cheerfulness, and happiness, perfect for the vibe of this magical Pisces new moon. This blend can counteract the negative emotions of feeling down, blue, or low.

The essential oils in this essential oil mix are Wild Orange Peel, Clove Bud, Star Anise Fruit/Seed, Lemon Myrtle Leaf, Nutmeg Kernel, Vanilla Absolute, Ginger Root, Cinnamon Bark, and Zdravetz Herb.

To use this blend or a mix of these oils, diffuse, rub over your heart, and/or into the back of your neck. During winter time, apply to wrists and smell throughout the day for an uplifting aroma. It is a warming oil and may be too much for the hot months.

You can apply this oil to the bottoms of the feet of a child who needs a boost of positivity and cheerfulness.

You can contact Annabelle for purchasing doTerra essential oils. She can send them anywhere in the world with a promotional discount.

Check out this month’s Pisces new moon video on my Astrology Facebook page. For more information on natural health and gut health, contact Annabelle, or join her private Facebook group Natural Health Italy.

Pisces zodiac symbol with a wheel around it with all the zodiac symbols.

Pisces New Moon Intentions

  1. Do your new moon intentions during the new moon phase which begins on Wednesday.

  2. Daydream your intentions, and then journal about them.

  3. Listen to music you love.

  4. Set your intentions around having healthy boundaries and getting your own needs met.

  5. Set intentions to release obstacles interfering with your ability to feel joy and optimism about your life and your future.

  6. Plant the seeds of intention to make your big dreams come true.

  7. Let yourself daydream about what makes you happy and how to do more of that.

  8. Engage in any form of creativity you enjoy, painting, ceramics, playing music, dancing, etc.

  9. Do something in or near water. Pisces is of the water element.

  10. Do nothing, let yourself be silent, and recharge your batteries. Watch for intuitive insights and ideas.

  11. Take a relaxing bubble bath.

Pisces New Moon ideas for the next 2 weeks

  1. Engage in good self-care by holding boundaries and saying no when you are over giving.

  2. Get out and enjoy the beauty of the world, especially if you can get near water.

  3. Take baths when you can.

  4. Intentionally practice being compassionate with others.

  5. Relax more and work less if you can. Give yourself permission to do nothing and enjoy it.

  6. Do things that you consider creative more often than usual over the next 2 weeks. 

  7. Tap into your muse and let your intuitive side guide you. Go on feeling rather than intellect and see where it takes you.

  8. Take some time to dream big and practice the law of attraction.

  9. Make a list of your hopes, dreams, and wishes. Look at this and compare it to your 2022 goals. Decide if you are on the path to fulfilling your dreams in life.

Pisces New Moon Questions and Journaling Prompts:

  1. What is a dream that you hold in your heart? Are you ready to pursue it? What is holding you back? What can propel you forward?

  2. What are your most creative qualities?

  3. If you could wave a magic wand and create any situation for yourself, what would it look like? 

  4. How do you hold healthy boundaries with others so that you can take care of yourself? Is this an area you need to improve on? If yes, what would you change?

Wrap Up

We have a beautiful, mystical, and magical Pisces new moon this week. Take some time to daydream, vision, and plant the seeds of manifestation for what you desire. The law of attraction works when you vision your desires that are in alignment with your heart, and then you take action towards what you want.

Enjoy this Pisces new moon and happy visioning!

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