The July Horoscopes start a bit tricky, but get better as the month progress. And if your June was a bit chaotic, believe me when I say you are not alone. Mercury was retrograde practically the entire month of June, but we certainly felt it all month. Which puts us right in the middle of two months with some challenging vibes.
If you’ve never heard of Mercury retrograde, in brief, it’s a time where we are asked to slow down, review, and reflect. Sometimes we experience heightened delays, miscommunication, and crankiness.
As we move into July, we can start organizing the leftover chaos from last month, put back together broken pieces in a better way, and create new visions for those things we recognized as needing a touch up. But the first week may bring up some challenges that make us get our ducks in a row before we start clearing up any past chaos.
Early July Horoscopes
Something to note for all of us, no matter what astrology sign we are, is the energetic messaging coming through the first week of July.
That message may manifest as something external that happens to you or around you, or as a feeling or intuition internally. It asks us to look at ourselves, and our lives, and notice where there is inconsistency or a tight grip with how we did things in the past.
This energy wants us to notice what we are projecting out in the world, or on others, that we don’t want to see in ourselves. It points to how we are being asked to do things differently moving forward. Like the traditional past vs the progressive future.
This energy can put challenges in our path that ask us to step up and use our strengths and gifts to grow. When things are easy and smooth, there is no reason to make a change, or put in the effort for growth and self-development. The universe tends to push us toward growth by laying challenges in front of us.
So take advantage of this first week of July to accept a challenge and use it to improve your life in some way. Challenges can be uncomfortable, but when you look back on a challenging time, it is usually something that propelled you into a better situation.
Mid July Horoscopes
Another thing we will all experience together is a lovely meeting of the two planets representing relationship and sexual energy, Venus and Mars. These two will meet up in the same place in the sky, and in the sign Leo, through mid-month and peaking on July 13.
We can expect some sexy summer hookups, beautiful, individualized and creative fashion, and sparks to fly. Leo just loves to look their personal best, flirt, and meet other people. So get your social attitude on and get out there.
We will all experience these planetary shifts in our own unique way according to our individual signs and horoscopes. If you want to learn more about this particular planetary line up in the sky that is so cranky, watch this YouTube video by my teacher Kelly Surtees. So let’s get to it.

The first week of July you may feel torn between honoring your individuality and personal creativity, and peers, groups, or ‘fitting in’ on social media. It may also be between your children, or creations, and your friends. It is likely to involve your self-esteem, resources, or income.
Aries in will love the hookup between love and sex planets Venus and Mars mid-month. Wear your favorite clothes and get out and socialize. You are favored by this visit of Venus and Mars in your sex, fun, romance, and pleasure zone.
July 12 and for the rest of the month, you may feel driven to reach out to other women, your mother or a mother figure, or a wise and nurturing sage type. These conversations can relate to family, food, tradition, and heritage. It’s a great time to call home.
Later in the month things start to get practical and your routines may get tidied up. It may take until the end of the month to get focused on your priorities, but by the end of the month, you may have to do some annoying detail work calling your attention.
Don’t worry, you can quickly knock out that annoying and boring detail work, and get back to socializing and enjoying yourself.

The first week of July may have you torn between work and home responsibilities, leaving you exhausted and wanting to zone out on the couch with some gelato.
Relationships that have been stuck or festering may get unstuck at this time. It can bring unexpected events that will bring the matter to action, and then an opportunity to be reconciled.
While this process can be stressful, in the end things will get on their proper course. Things will start to fall in place as shifts in the sky take place through the month. On July 12 you may start to feel more expressive in your communication.
This can be a time where you let out things you have kept inside. Whether you share by talking, writing, or even music. Expressing yourself may be easier for you during this month.
By the 23rd you will be feeling yourself again, seeking pleasure and enjoying the finer things in life.

You may be spending a lot of time in your head as July rolls in. You could experience an internal struggle between your faith, and objective reality. These are deep and spiritual questions, theories, and beliefs that are coming up for you.
A spiritual awakening is possible or you find yourself seeking answers to your meaning and purpose in life. It’s a great time to seek knowledge, explore your faith, and question your dogmatic beliefs. Question everything and follow your curiosity.
Your energy levels may be a bit lower, so take it easy, maintain a healthy diet, and get enough sleep. Money and/or self-value may be on your mind this month. Things like security, especially as it relates to your emotional center, are likely to take mind space.
There’s some extra love happening in the area of communication in your chart. If you write, sing, or create expressively in some way, you will feel extra imaginative this month. Especially around the 13th, let your creativity flow and communicate with others.
Practical routines and details around home and family will become more prominent toward the end of the month. Expect to spend a little more time caring for the little details around housekeeping, chores, and home / family as July is wrapping up.

Happy Birthday Cancer! This is your month. It’s time for a vitality and energy recharge. Take in as much sun as you can, and remember that sun screen for your precious skin. Sun beams under your own sign are vitality producing.
The first week of July may bring something to the forefront around money and finances of your own, and someone else’s, or between your self-value and how you perceive the way others value you. Only you know how this may be playing out in your life.
There may be an innovative outlet or solution to this resource topic, and it can involve a group, a friend, or getting some sort of surprise recognition. It can be something challenging, calling for an innovative solution that will likely involve a group with unique solutions.
You may feel more tuned in than normal to universal knowledge after the 12th. Your innate insight and intuition will be heightened. Pay attention to what comes up, and journal or vision board, as important insights may come at this time.
Get a new look, one that makes you feel good, and socialize mid-month. Byt the end of the month, you will start to feel a bit more at ease and settle into your practical daily routines.

Leo, you want to shine even brighter this month and you have the love of Venus and Mars in your sign. They want you to be glorious, in all your creativity, and show your uniqueness to the world. Others may try to hold you back or limit you in some way.
Let others give you ideas, but send out your vibe in your own unique way. The universe is sending you extra Leo creativity the first 3 weeks of the month. If you are looking for a unique new look, or just want to shop for new summer fashion. Do it all month, until the 21st.
You will ooze sex appeal, especially when Venus and Mars meet in your sign on the 13th. Get out the days before and after. It’s not very often these two lovers meet up in your sun sign. It’s really delicious.
Later in the month the focus will shift to the practical details of money keeping, self-esteem and value boosting, and paying off all the credit card bills for that shopping you did earlier in the month. So do try to be careful with all that shopping to stay within your budget.

You may feel stuck under a burden of responsibility, while seeking a deeper spiritual meaning in life. This is a time to allow yourself to dip into spiritual studies. What is calling you? Let yourself go on a journey where you love the material so much you lose track of time.
There may be something calling you, but it’s so different and foreign to your typical interests that you try to ignore it or push it away. Now is the time to open your mind a bit and look at those ‘different’ things with fresh eyes. This will help get unstuck if you are feeling pressured.
Look to your friends for support starting on the 12th. You may find an interest in new groups, in your local community or online. It can be an easier time for you to connect with others, who may offer you new insights.
It is possible you may find yourself socializing with private or secret groups. Or enjoy a secret love affair. It’s also a great time to try something new in the bedroom with a partner you trust. Like role play.
Things behind the scenes and mysteries may hold greater interest and attraction than usual. If you are involved in a spiritual practice, you may go deeper this month. Later in the month you will be more focused on your routines and getting yourself or groups organized.

You may be feeling a bit blocked creatively and could benefit by participating in some online groups, local groups, or checking in with your friends. They may boost your self-esteem and surprise you with their ideas.
While your friends and groups may have good intentions, you may feel creatively limited. A solution can have to do with therapeutic counseling, coaching, financial support from others, and experiencing acceptance from others in a unique way.
You have an opportunity to be more expressive with your authority, to own it. If you are a leader in any capacity, you will be more nurturing in your role, and intuitive in your work. You may experience more intuition in relation to your meaning and purpose that leads to deep thought.
You will shine when you socialize with your friends and groups you are involved with starting on the 12th. It’s a great time to update your wardrobe and show off that famous and magnificent Libran smile. A friendship may develop into a romance this month.
There may be some behind the scene detail work that starts popping up for you toward the end of the month. You are quite prepared to deal with these little details as they come up.

Your relationship may be experiencing some unexpected upheavals around home and / or career. The best thing to do is be flexible and open to bizarre or unique solutions. In the long-run, you can maintain stability by maintaining flexibility now.
While your home life might leave you feeling restricted, responsible, and tied down. It could also find you making more commitment to your family, making long-term changes to your home, or putting down roots.
Scorpio has innate sex appeal, and this month stands out as a time to showcase it. With the love planets Venus and Mars visiting the most public part of your chart, you can get out and let it shine.
Scorpio doesn’t have to do much to shine that sex appeal. Just show up with your mystical moves. You may find yourself taking an interest in a foreign language, higher education, or travel. You should have good intuition around your interests on this topic.
Later in the month you may be coordinating some meetings between friends, or groups you are part of. You are the perfect person to coordinate all those details and put the fine finishing touches on top.

You may be questioning your faith and belief system as it relates to service. You will question if the wonderful things you do in life are in service, but in your own unique way.
While Sagittarius is known for their generosity, they are also known for getting stuck on their idealistic philosophy. This is a time to not only question your philosophy and how it aligns with your heart center, but to develop it for long-term peace of mind.
Your dogmatic belief systems may try to limit you as you seek to expand your mind in new and innovative ways. You may even rebel against your normal day to day life and routines. Sag is freedom loving to start with, so rebellion is like your middle name.
Rebelling in a way that is heart centered and service oriented may be the way to reconcile what’s on your mind this month. It would be helpful to seek counseling, coaching, engaging in meditative experiences, go to a retreat, or a spa.
After the 12th your intuition will be heightened, and it will be internally focused. You will likely experience the desire to travel, especially mid-month. If you don’t travel, you may Zoom internationally, take a foreign language class, or get involved with a spiritual community.
By months in, you will be dealing with practical details related to your career.

You may be going through a patch where you are building wealth, or feeling restricted and limited in wealth building. The first week of July could trigger some movement in this area if you have been feeling stuck. This would likely involve children or products of your creativity.
You may see movement on an inheritance or credit application if this applies to you. Unique and creative solutions you never could have imagined before could pop up for you. A Capricorn is innately keen on taking action when challenge or opportunity presents itself.
After the 12th you may want to have intimate conversations with a business or romantic partner. Your intuition will be heightened, so go with your instincts when it comes to others.
This is a great time to invest in some self-love. If you have been wanting to hire a coach, now is a great time. Psychotherapy, or any type of self-development could benefit you this month.
Later this month you may have to get into detailed work around travel, education, or foreign language. This is the kind of stuff you excel in, so you may invite some increase in the typical daily tasks in your life.

You may be carrying a heavy load right now. Maybe you took on more responsibility, became a parent, or bought a house. You may be feeling torn between having time for yourself, your partner, and your home.
This is a time for figuring out new and different ways for how you balance your time with others and the family. Your unique and innovative mind should help you come up with some fresh ideas.
This month can present an increased desire to be social, and if you are single, you may find lots of attractive others out there waiting to meet you. Be creative in managing all the different parts of your life. Aquarius always follows the beat of their own drum.
After the 12th you may have to get more involved in the details and daily grind in order to maintain balance. Your intuition in this area will be strong. Service to others may have an unusually strong attraction this month. Volunteering is highlighted in July.

You may be feeling super optimistic and dreamy right now. Even if there is a sense of pressure on your spirituality. Like you may be trying to organize something that can’t be organized, or consolidate something that can’t be consolidated, like your spirituality.
Since Pisces in general has one foot in this world, and one in the spiritual world, you may be questioning your connection with the collective unconscious, and if you are serving enough in this world.
This self-questioning you are experiencing can go on past this month. A bigger shift is coming next year. What will be helpful right now is allowing yourself to express what you are feeling through a physical but spiritual medium. Like painting, making ceramics or sculptures of clay.
Any time of expression or communication is a release and will allow you to process through the experience.
From the 12th of this month, you will be entering a creative time when intuition comes through your creativity. Your mind may be creating faster than you can express, but do try and let it out. Journal, paint, vision board, make flower arrangements, and do grounding yoga.
Whatever moves you to express will be helpful. You may be very pleased with your work output if you let the creative energy flow.
Wrap Up
Like most months we have a mixed bag of energy to utilize. We should all enjoy the juicy Venus and Mars meeting happening through the middle of the month. Even if you don’t feel like getting all dressed up, just go out and people watch.
The first week of the month will highlight where you may be holding on to outworn parts of your life. This is where you are being asked to be open-minded to the opposite of what you don’t want to let go.
Remember to read for your rising sign to get a rounded view of the month for your sign. If you need help finding out what your rising sign is, contact me at and I will help you out. If you want to get these horoscopes delivered to your inbox, drop your email below.
Have a great July!